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Notifications are sent at various stags during the release request workflow. Notifications may take the form of:

  • Emails to the release request author
  • GitHub issues in the relevant output-checking repo
  • Slack notifications to the output checking team

Request submitted🔗

  • GitHub issue created in relevant repo
  • Slack notification to output checkers

Independent review submitted🔗

  • GitHub issue updated
  • Slack notification to output checkers

Request returned🔗

  • GitHub issue updated
  • Author notified by email

Request re-submitted🔗

  • GitHub issue updated
  • Slack notification to output checkers

Request rejected🔗

  • GitHub issue closed
  • Author notified by email

Request withdrawn🔗

  • GitHub issue closed
  • Slack notification to output checkers

Files released🔗

  • GitHub issue closed
  • Author notified by email